Christian Education
"my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6)
Pastor's Teachings
Stewardship: Rev. Mullen breaks down the reasoning on the blessings behind tithing. Here he teaches Christians on not only the importance of tithing, but the overflow that Christ gives us when we are obedient to His Word. The effectiveness of this teaching has caused churches from all over to bring Pastor Mullen in to teach this to their congregations with the results being that their stewardship has increased tremendously.
NIV Perversion: Rev. Mullen digs into the New International Version of the bible, discussing its background, its omission of words and verses, and its underlying meaning. Through this teaching, Rev. Mullen educates Christians on some of the dangers of these modern translations of the Word of God.
Homosexuality: Rev. Mullen teaches, through the Word of God, the origins behind homosexuality, and the homosexual agenda; reinforcing the fact that God loves the individual, but not the act. Through this teaching, Rev. Mullen points us to the end times and the anti-christ, while also stressing the dangers that one may face when drawn into homosexuality.
The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: Rev. Mullen teaches how Christ wants to operate within His people through the Holy Spirit. He teaches how the Power of the Holy Spirit is important for our daily victory over the enemy.
To request Pastor Mullen's bible teachings at your church click here: Contact Pastor
Traditional Bible Study:
Sunday School: The study of the Bible is the central focus of our Sunday School. Each Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m., we meet to study the scriptures, to experience Christian fellowship, and to explore paths of Christian service. Anyone is free to worship through study with us. We use the Urban Ministries, Inc Sunday School material.
Wednesday Bible Study: Our Wednesday night Bible Study, provides an in-depth study of the Word of God. We believe that through a comprehensive study of the bible we can have communion with God, we can have intimacy with Him and we can remain in Him. It is the aim of our Pastor to ensure that his congregation learns who God is, but most of all who we are in Him.
New Member's Class: The New Member's Class is designed to enlighten the New Member of the vision of the church and to equip believers through the Word of God to be all that God intends for them to be.